Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Surprise!!!

As everyone knows it is Halloween weekend. This year I was invited (I think) to a Halloween party. I was super excited to find a costume. I began looking right away. I looked on the trusty Internet before I set out to the stores. Then I realized that I didn't have enough money to buy one so I asked around to see if I could borrow one. I found a friend that was willing to let me borrow a costume from her big collection. To me a big collection is more than 2 costumes so it was plenty to pick from. Her other friend was over there and she offered to let me look too so she went over to her house and was back in a flash with a couple of costumes. ( Just to let you know I was amazed at how many these girls had. Felt a little anti-social since I hadn't been to a Halloween party in 4 years) When I was looking through both of their collection I found 2 similar items.....Alice in wonderland costumes. One was Alice (of course my blond friend) and the other was the queen of hearts (her brown hair friend). It was so cute. I had to be somewhere at a certain time so I asked if I could take both of the costumes and bring it back later to decide which one I wanted to be. So I won't tell you what I am yet but I will refresh your memory of Alice in Wonderland. Here we go......

Alice- Cute little perfect girl...

White rabbit-Silly rabbit tricks are for kids..HAHA

The king- He was cute but the nasty queen was always over him.

Mad Hatter- Boy was he a mad one.

Hare- I think he really wasn't mad just putting on a front to impress the Hatter.

AWWWW THE FLOWERS- This was one of my favorite parts was the flowers and when they sing it was so pretty.

Dough Dough-Another crazy thing...

The mouse- He was on drugs

This was my favorite flower of the whole bunch.. What was yours?
Cute little kitty- I forgot her name... Diena??

Groovy Caterpillar- smoking some joe...

Cheshire cat- He as truly insane.. I really didn't get him... can anyone explain why he was there?

Bill the lizard

Queen's cards-"Painting the roses red"..."Painting the roses red".."Painting the roses red, so she doesn't cut off our heads" ( A little tune I remember from the movie)

Tweetle dee and Tweetle-Dum-Desperate for attention

And last but not least THE QUEEN- She was a (BLEEP). HAHA. Happy Halloween and hopefully I will get some pictures from the party.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Just a bunch of thinking....

So here I am again just thinking about stuff. I was going to do a entry about my bedroom and it's new transformation but this past week I received a cut in pay so along with not buying that pretty lamp from target I will be doing a bunch of nothing for a while. So just a couple of thoughts I would throw out there and stuff I was doing over the weekend.
This weekend I did some budgeting and it looks like a close race people. I guess that's one of the lesson's in life is sometimes it will be tough but there is always away to make it through. I also have been making myself go to the gym. The first time I went back ( in 2 weeks) I walked up and the place where the gyms was supposed to be was empty. I heard the music from the twilight series come on and I expecting zombies to pop out, instead some people from next door popped out from the new gym that was there. I went inside and boy was it nice. Flat screen TV everywhere and all this futuristic machines, excuse me......"top of the line equipment" were set up upstairs. When I went to use the futuristic machines I started with the elliptical. It was pretty normal and I didn't have to do any thinking. (You know what annoys the hell out of me is when the gym people put on the food network channel. It makes you so hungry when your working out, you just want to drop everything and get a big mac or some delicious chili cheese fries.. It's a conspiracy I tell you!!!Conspirrraacccyyy!!). After the elliptical I decided to use a leg machine. I went over and got on the leg press. When I was trying to adjust it to my height I kept trying to lock it in place and the F%&* thing kept sliding back. After 10 tries and a man in his 50 couldn't figure it out I gave up and moved on to the next machine the helps with your inner thighs. I won't describe what I was doing, it's much to graphic. But when I was pressing my legs together the back of the chair lifted up..."What the hell???!!" The twilight music started again and I got off that thing so quick I think I twisted my ankle a bit. Crazy and I had to get out of there quick. I ran down stairs and wanted to see what else they had. After that horrible 30 min ordeal I found something right up my alley. A lap pool with 3 LANES!!!! Yahoo jackpot!! For those of you who know me (Well, know me good) know that when I was in high school I swam on the neighborhood swim team and I was pretty good. Backstroke was my forte...I help win 1st place relay because I was ahead a full 25 yrds in the first round. I was fast man!!! Those were the good ol' days. Anyway so my new routine is Monday-swim,Tuesday and Thursday walk at memorial with Rocky and Friday hit the weights baby! Do that was an adventure. A bit funny and weird too.
On to another subject..Thanksgiving...I got this crazy idea one day when I was shopping in the grocery store. I was on a roll for my cooking record and it was getting better and better every time I make something up. This magazine that I picked up was a holiday issue and I thought instead of having someone cook this year for thanksgiving how about I make up a thanksgiving to remember and add some old tradition in with some new tradition. My family doesn't know yet but I have some great recipes that I have already been putting on my list. I have some really yummy items and I was up Sunday morning looking for some things to put on my list. I am so excited about this year's feast I wish it was thanksgiving next week. After I send out the list I will post it so that everyone will see. Anyway I hope you liked my crazy story. Shout out to my baby sis! Love ya doll and hope your kicking some butt.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Enchiladas Blancas

Hey everyone. I had a busy weekend. I had to cook though. I don't know if you read about my experience with Chuy's chile festival, but I loved their enchiladas blancas. I had to get on the internet and find a recipe right away. One thing I did change is the heat. It was entirely too hot for me when I got the dish at the restaurant. So here we go, my version of enchiladas blancas.

Start with the ingredients:

Chopped green chilies. 1 small can

8 flour tortillas. The way I make my other enchiladas is I use corn. Flour is a different taste but still good. While I was putting the ingredients together I put these in the oven to warm them up. It would be easier for rolling.

Chicken of course. I used 3 thighs.

A casserole dish.

Oh and my favorite thing....Pepper jack cheese. I would put this cheese on everything if I could. I love the little spicy bite it has to it.

Cream of chicken

Onion powder to substitute for the real onion. (I don't like real onion)

First thing that you want to do is boil the chicken. This will take at least 15 minutes.

After a little while you can start on the sauce. Add the cream of chicken and sour cream to the pot. (Whoops... I forgot to mention to get a 8 oz thing of sour cream) I added a bit of water just to make it a bit smoother and thinner. Just eye ball it.

Mix it until smooth.

Add the can of chilies when the sauce is heated up. Also some salt and onion powder to your liking.

While the sauce is heating up you can go ahead and grate the entire block of cheese. The other day I saw Barefoot Contessa use a food processor to grate cheese in like 5 seconds, so when I get the money boy I am really getting me one of those babies!

After the chicken is done cooking you can either shred it with a knife or just use your hands like I did. Make sure the chicken is cooled enough that you don't burn your hands.

Next we need to assemble the enchiladas. Just put some chicken in the middle and some cheese on top. If you need a refresher on how to roll it just look at my entry for my beef and rice enchiladas.

When you are done it should look like this.

After pour the sauce on top.

Add the remaining cheese on top. Put it in the oven at 350 for 30 minutes until the cheese has melted.

It should come out looking yummy and temp you to pull out your fork and knife right there and eat it over the stove.

So good. The other thing that I forgot to mention is that the heat is really not there at all. The green chilies are not hot at all and the pepper jack gives it a very slight pop in your mouth. My boyfriend added a bunch of jalapenos to his plate but I said no thank you.

Let take a closer look. I love these shots. It makes it look really yummy. Try it I am sure you will love the results.