Tuesday, December 29, 2009

50 million pounds!

This has been a crazy couple of weeks. You will have to forgive me on the entry stuff. I have been busy with Christmas and shopping and visiting family. Since my pictures from Christmas are not ready to be put up yet I decided that I needed to write something. As you know this blog is all about what is happening in my life and here is one of the just writing entries instead of the usual picture theme. The last 2 years have been kind of hard for me and there has been a lot of transition in many different aspects. There has been a lot of fights, my sister who I am very close with went into the navy and I hardly get to see or speak to her anymore, moving and even a new dog. Of all these things the most drimatic that has happened to me is when my mother passed away 2 years ago and I was not the same after. I began to get depressed and mad at everyone that said anything about my mother or death for that matter. I didn't really show it but I was mad for a long time and then when the sadness came over me I let it take me completely. Along with the depression came the eating and not exercising. I really just ate like a horse when I was excising 3-4 times a week. After I didn't want to exercise I was eating the same and 20 pounds later I looked at myself in the mirror and went...WTF?? Who's body is this. All of my clothes were too tight and I kept thinking I need to do something. But still something in me was not wanting to exercise. After my boyfriend started to work out and he lost so much weight in very little time ( Damn you men and your ability to loose weight really fast). I still didn't want to loose weight. So stupid I know but when your not ready you definitely won't do anything about it even if you tell yourself it will be different tomorrow I promise. Well the other day I was watching tv and I saw this commercial with this woman at a buffet and she was about to carry a huge ice cream Sunday away and there was this man standing there like don't you dare take that to your seat and she stopped looked at him like she was a 7 year old just got caught doing something bad, put the ice cream down and said " I think I'll hit the salad bar". I laughed a little because it really was funny and then it said join the 50 million pound challenge. Out of curiosity I looked up the wed site and signed up. It is free and they have really good tools for you to use. There is a meal tracker, daily journal ( it even has the mood you are in today), weight tracker, grocery list of good things to get for meals and snacks, team building, and other things. I started yesterday and so far I feel accomplished. I have a goal of 20 pounds by the end of 2010. I don't want to put on a lot of pressure because in the past pressure just makes you fail ( well with weight for me anyway). If you are interested in the 50 million pound challenge go to http://www.50millionpounds.com/.... Wish me luck!

Monday, December 7, 2009

Cinnamon Rolls!

This weekend I was being very adventurous. i made red beans that turned out great and also I made cinnamon rolls that everyone loved. I usually read this blog The Pioneer Woman. She takes pictures of everything she makes and I love that because you can tell whether or not you are doing it right. Well one day I looked and saw that she made cinnamon rolls for a Christmas tradition and I decided I wanted to make mine one too. So here we go....

First I put the mixing bowl in the oven to warm up. I have a setting for warm and I figure that would be good enough. I heard that in order for your dough to turn out good you have to feel everything nice and warm and happy.

Next I combined milk, sugar and veggie oil and scalded it together. I had to let this sit until warm.

Then 2 packages of yeast went in.

After the yeast was cooled I added 8 cups of flour to the liquid mixture. Then the hard part came...waiting for it to rise. It doubled in size and I was jumping up and down "It worked...It worked!!!". My boyfriend thought I was nuts but he said good job anyway. It was so weird to see it doubled in size.

After it had risen I punched it down and added an additional cup of flour, salt, baking powder and baking soda. ( I am telling you that baking dough or rather making dough is extremely exhausting)

Mixed it together..

Put some flour down on the counter and poured the dough over it.

Ok I know this is ghetto but I used a can to roll the dough out. ( I took the paper off and cleaned it ok people?!)

Melted some butter

Pour that goodness on!!!

Spread it out a but with a brush

Sprinkled a lot of cinnamon and sugar over the whole thing.

Roll that sucker up!

Cut it in 1 inch slices and put it in like this.

Took it out the next morning and set it to rise once more for 30 mins and baked them for 30 mins at 400.

Oh wow they look good and my house smelled of cinnamon and sugar all day.

I also made homemade icing to go with it. It was just powdered sugar, milk, a dash of regular sugar and vanilla. I poured it on heavy and since they were hot it melted right in. Oh wow!!

I brought them to work and they were all gone in an hour!! Merry Christmas everyone and have a great rest of the year!

White Christmas

Yes it is that time of year again. When you are walking by houses or a shopping center you might see those twinkling lights, with their beautiful color and get a warm feeling. That feeling is Christmas.. My favorite holiday. It is a time to think about others and not yourself. Even if you were a terd earlier this year and cut people off in your car or skippped people in line at the movie theater, this time is to do good deads. The other day I saw on the tv that you don't have to have a christmas tree for it to represent christmas.. It could be a branch or a picture to remind you of Jesus and this chritmas time. It reminds me of a time that I went to my uncle's house I saw that he only has a single branch on the mantle and my first thought was y in the world did he have a branch in stead of a christmas tree. I thought he had gone nuts but it turns out it doesn't matter what you do it is all in your heart. It was just my "traditional way of thinking" (screw that). My decorations this year are not really big, just my tree. Here are some of my favorite orniments.

Last week Houston had a big surprise. It was perfect and got us in the spirit. (Well some people were complaining and I just wanted to say SMACCKK!! It's christmas season you dork!!)
Take a look at this picture... Is that rain??........

No It's snow.....Yes fokes it snowed in houston. One hot place but not this day...It snowed on cars

On roof tops....

It snowed everywhere for 5 hours. It was great. We all got to go home early that day and I nuked a cup of hot coco and put on my comfortable socks as you can see. I found the movie home alone and after I was done watching it i took a nap. It was great and the best thing about the day was that it was on Friday!!!! That means I didn't have to work for the next two days. YAHOO

Well if you want leave a comment about what you did that cold day, I look forward to seeing it. Just curious to hear.