Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Queen's Country

Hello everyone! So sorry about not really writing anything the past couple of months. I had a bit of a hard time with some things but now I am pretty sure I am getting back to normal. A couple of things to catch up on since I last posted. Which I think was around Christmas....My sister had her lovely baby-Ray-Lynn. I went to see her in California and I will post some pictures soon. I am still cooking just not snapping as much as I want to. Work has been slow and creeping along but I imagine it will get going by May and Rocky is doing great. I will also post a story about what is going on in his life.

So a couple of months ago I went with my Uncle Richard to a Drag Queen contest. It was my first ever and boy did I have something to see. It was at the In-N-Out Club. It was a little whole in the wall place but quaint. It has a bar and places for people to sit on couches and chairs. It played music while the Queens were getting their stuff together.

When the party began all of the Queens came out and did one big number together.

I thought it was a little funny because two Queens were trying to take the lead and it was obvious that one was better than the other. Take a closer look and see which one you think it better.

Yep you guessed it. She is our leading lady. The other one was drunk or something.

There is always a host to these things and she was it. She was excellent and did a little number herself while everyone was getting ready. The whole purpose of this show was to pick one lucky lady to go on the road and tour to different cities with a group of other Queens.

Here are all of the contestants ( I don't remember the names but I'll tell you my grading of them and what they did.):

This was the first contestant. She was horrible and a little drunk.

This was the lead singer of the opening act and she did a little Spanish version and of course dressed in a dramatic gown.

This one was one of my favorites because she sang herself and didn't lip sing. She also had pretty dresses.


Horrible.... This one was a whack job and sang with a puppet.

I liked this one very much because she was a great dancer and danced to Beyonce. Which I am a big fan of. Her outfit was great too.

I'm sad to say that I don't remember this performance at all. So I am thinking she deserves an F.